Lorena is a Mexican-American Chicago based artist who specializes in the studio arts. Mediums include pencil and charcoal, as well as linoleum block printmaking and woodworking


Love, <em>2021</em>, Graphite
            <br>Inspiration from 'In the Mood for Love'
            Directed by Wong Kar Wai
Tio Con Lucky,
            <em>2020</em>, Micron Pens
            <em>2019</em>, Graphite
There is no such thing as too many swirls, <em>2015</em>, Graphite
Copy of Picasso's
            <em>Sculpture of a Head (Marie-Therese)</em>, <em>2012</em>, Graphite
Tree Outside,
            <em>2012</em>, Graphite
Tree and Shed,
              <em>2012</em>, Graphite and Charcoal
Ludicrous Cup,
            <em>2012</em>, Charcoal
Book and Peacock,
            <em>2012</em>, Graphite and Charcoal

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